All-On-4 or 6 Dental Implants Sherman Oaks

Tooth loss is a significant problem among American adults. Although ample dental treatments and technology are available to protect oral health, some people still suffer from several dental issues resulting in tooth loss.  As you age, you may not always have a full set of teeth, whether the loss comes from a significant impact, tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, or other underlying issues.

Luckily, there is a treatment option for adults who lose multiple natural teeth. All-On-4 or 6 dental implants are a fantastic way to help you regain the full use of your mouth and restore your smile. Let’s look at these implants and see if they are the right fit for you!

Understanding All-On-4 or 6 Dental Implants

The All-On-4 or 6 system gets its name from the four screws dentists place in your gum line to secure them, compared to the one screw that most dental implants use. Since dentists use this treatment to replace the entirety of either your lower or upper sets of teeth, these four screws help secure them and provide sturdy operation. In addition, these implants are more permanent and have the beautiful look of natural teeth.

These prosthetics stay in for a long time, so manufacturers designed them to be nearly indistinguishable from your natural teeth and have a flawless, seamless fit in your mouth.

all on for or six dental implants sherman oaks
all on four or six dental implants sherman oaks

Pros of the All-On-4 or 6 System

Besides the confidence boost you get when renewing your smile, All-On-4 or 6 dental implant patients enjoy several benefits. The foremost advantage of these implants is how easy the placement process is. Dentists can replace your entire set of teeth in a single appointment with one procedure instead of replacing multiple individual teeth over several treatments.

This system renews the functionality of your entire set of teeth, restoring your ability to chew and speak. Your existing jaw and gums secure these systems, so you usually won’t need bone grafting before we place them. The All-On-4 or 6 system is also significantly cheaper than traditional implant systems.

Cons of the All-On-4 or 6 System

All-On-4 or 6 dental implants are the leading dental implant treatment on the market and are genuinely a fantastic system. However, no matter how perfect the treatment is, there are always drawbacks. We wouldn’t be doing our job if we didn’t give you all of the information.

These implants require a significant amount of bone to place correctly, so those with considerable bone loss aren’t likely treatment candidates. Also, because these implants are a total tooth replacement, there is no way for you to test them out before the installation. Besides those two drawbacks, there are very few reasons not to consider this treatment!

Frequently Asked Questions About
All-On-4 or 6 Dental Implants

All-On-4 or 6 dental implants are very cost-effective compared to traditional implant treatments. However, finding health insurance that covers part or all of the expenses is never a bad idea. You may even be eligible for some discounts with your insurance company!

The cost of these implants partially depends on the materials you use. For example, acrylic or composite applications run between $20,000 and $30,000. For porcelain implants, the cost ranges from about $25,000 to $35,000.

As we’ve stated, All-On-4 or 6 dental implants are permanent replacements for your teeth. These implants are sturdier and made of higher-quality materials than traditional implants. As such, they last for a lot longer.

This dental implant system lasts an average of 20 years, with many more years of lifespan with regular care, cleaning, and dental visits.

After placement, the best way to care for your mouth is by rinsing with salt water a couple of times daily to prevent harmful bacteria from causing an infection. After the initial healing begins, you can brush your new implants like regular teeth. Routine visits to your dentist will also help maintain them, much like normal teeth.

Before your treatment procedure, we can give you other instructions for care based on your specific dental needs.

For traditional implants, the recovery time ranges from three to eight months. Every case is different, but the All-On-4 or 6 system generally has a shorter recovery time.

This is because of the implants’ sturdy nature and ability to fuse to the bone quickly.

Sherman Oaks All-On-4 or 6 Dental Implants

At Sherman Oaks Dentistry, we only use quality products for our patients. As such, we stand behind the quality of Sherman Oaks All-On-4 or 6 dental implants. This implant system is robust and clean, with a reputation for quality and excellence.

Dr. Harold Perlaza has over 20 years of experience as a UCLA professor and a board-certified dentist. He believes in giving people back confidence in their smiles and improving the function of their teeth. His whole team of specialists works to improve your smile with traditional and cutting-edge dental procedures.

If you want to transform your smile, call Sherman Oaks Dentistry at (818) 784-0763 and schedule your first consultation.

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